Hello, I am Daryl Lukas

A Software engineer based in Lusaka.

I make cloud (web) and mobile applications.


Daryl Lukas (11)

Software Engineer based in Lusaka

ChatGPT explains Debt Restructuring

You’re probably asking why I did this. My home nation, Zambia, has concluded a debt restructuring agreement with its creditors (as of this writing). This topic has been all over my newsfeed this week. Some people appeared to be unclear by what was going on.

Azure AD Authentication using MSAL and Next.js (React)

Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Javascript enables client-side web applications to authenticate users using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), using security tokens acquired from the Microsoft Identity platform. It is particularly helpful if you want to specify which users can sign in to your application,…

Authentication - Exploring Appwrite.io with React Series

What is Appwrite? Appwrite is an open-source backend server for web and mobile applications. It is similar to Firebase, AWS Amplify, and Supabase in terms of features and APIs, including Authentication (User management), Database Management, Storage, and Cloud Functions. However, unlike the alternatives, Appwrite is…

You can do more than just console.log()

The JavaScript console object has a number of methods that can be very useful to debugging. Below are a few examples: This method allows to you create new inline (and collapsible) groups in the console output. You can close/exit the inline group by calling console.groupEnd().

How to import data into Firebase's Firestore

This is a quick post to show you how to import CSV or JSON data into Firestore. If you data is in CSV format, you will need to convert it to JSON format using an online tool called CSVJSON. This guide uses Python. You can…